September 2020 Optimizer
The Optimizer | September 2020 | Menomonee Falls Optimist Club
— In this issue —
Meeting Schedule
President’s Message
Business Membership
Dues are Due
Upcoming Activities and Events
Green and Gold Raffle
Bags, Brewers, Brats and Beer
Leaf Raking
Past Events
Wheeling and Healing
Board Meeting Minutes
Optimist Meetings
Menomonee Falls Murals
Old Falls Village
Thank You Notes
This Month in Club History
How to Publish Optimist News
— Meeting Schedule —
We’ve been after this local celebrity for over a year and he finally acquiesced! We happy to have Don Matovich of DJ’S Goalpost (Part1) come in and talk about several topics, i.e., family’s bar history, his connections to Wisconsin sports greats and his incredible sports memorabilia collection.
“Our story is simple: Food is our passion. Food is family. Food is happiness. Food is LOVE”. These exact phrases were gleaned from the website of Smoked Two-Twenty-Five. Military veteran and owner Jonas Mack will fill us in on the story behind his food truck that can be found on two different locations in Menomonee Falls. And who doesn’t love “BBQ”?
Boy Scouts of America District Executive Blake Ream will give a presentation. Blake has attended several of our weekly meetings recently and has graciously consented to not only speak to our group, but he’ll move his presentation to September 16th if the SOM aren’t available on that date.
To be announced.
Just like New Years, it’s the out with old, in with the new and the Installation Banquet at the Hot House Tavern! 5:30 social and 6:00 meeting time. More info about this via email.
— President’s Message September 2020 —
As September rolls in, my term as President is coming to a close in a month. Although many challenges have been thrown at our club this year, I am excited by the optimism this club keeps portraying. We need to finish the year strong, as the Packer Green & Gold Cash raffle wraps up as does the NFL Fundcrazr. Don’t forget about the Bags and Badgers event coming up on September 26th at the KC Clubhouse. Hopefully we can use this event to showcase our club and what we stand for and attract new members to join. As with any event, many hands are needed to make it run smoothly. This is exhibited by many events throughout the year. I am excited how creative people became this year and really thought outside the box with Covid in place. Leaf raking and Holiday Drop & Shop have found ways to still hold their events while keeping the safety of all those involved at the forefront. We really had to be creative since March in all our events and for that, I say thank you. I will have one more wrap up message in the October newsletter, but until then, let’s enjoy the ride. Stay safe and healthy.
~Todd Paulus
— Membership —
Happy September from the Membership Committee!!
In an effort to recruit for new members, we thought the time was right to contact local businesses and incorporate a subtle element of business networking while of course, staying true to our main Mission of Bringing Out the Best in Kids!! The incentive to join would be a listing in the NEW Business Directory, which would be added to the 2021 Membership Directory, so we can support the local businesses of our membership!! In addition, we would also incorporate one member/business profile in the Newsletter and maybe a once per month speaker. This is subject to change (more or less) based on interest and availability, but it’s a starting point. This speaker will not be our main speaker for that meeting, but slotted for up to 5 minutes to promote their business.
This would NOT be a platform for businesses to PROMOTE themselves and distract from why we exist but just to create exposure for members that have businesses so we can better support them!
With this being said, if you would like your business to be included in the Business Directory, newsletter and submitted to Speakers Committee, please get the information to Lynette @
Have a great day!!
Cathy Sharkey & Lynette Shepherd, Membership Committee
2020-21 Optimist Club Dues
It is time to renew your membership in the Optimist Club of Menomonee Falls. Invoices were emailed in August. Please pay your dues by September 15. If you decide that you will not be renewing your membership, please contact Cathy Sharkey at
PAY YOUR DUES ONLINE WITH A CREDIT CARD!! Visit the club website here: Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the link that takes you to a secure pay site.
Remit checks to:
P.O. Box 671
Menomonee Falls, WI 53052-0671
— Upcoming Activities and Events —
Green and Gold Raffle ticket sales end
Green and Gold Raffle prize drawing on Falls Cable Access
Bags, Brewers, Brats and Beer at KC Clubhouse, organized by OA5
Installation Banquet at Hot House
Leaf Raking
Green and Gold Raffle Roaring Down the Stretch
Despite the many changes made to the Annual Packer Raffle, this year’s all-cash Green & Gold Raffle has proven to be a hit with many football fans and supporters of the youth of our community. With just a fews days remaining before the big drawing on Monday, Sept. 14, only a few tickets are left. The exact number will be known on Wednesday, Sept. 2, when all tickets will be turned in or accounted for. As our biggest fundraiser of the year, the raffle annually nets about $23.000 of the $90,000 budgeted by the club to finance parades, Post-Prom Party, scholarships, Kids Fishing
If you have not yet purchased a ticket or know someone who might want to buy one, contact me immediately at one of the numbers listed, and I will see that you get one.
As we roar down the stretch, a big “Thanks” to the many, many members who have pitched in to make an event successful that at first appeared to have many obstacles to overcome.
~ Ed Schlumpf, Raffle Co-Chair
Bags, Brewers, Brats and Beer
OA5 will host their 3rd annual Bags, Brewers, Brats and Beer tournament on Saturday, September 26 beginning at 1pm. The event will be at the Knights of Columbus Hall on Water Street. New things for thetournament this year are a Meat Raffle instead of Silent Auction, put on by Marcia Hebbring’s team and instead of general concessions, there will be food trucks!
Please help the OA5 group make this event successful by signing up for the tournament, stopping by to support and talk to possible new members or simply pass along the information to anyone that may be interested in playing bags or winning some meat in the raffle.
Another date to put on your calendar is December 15. This will be the evening of the social service project, where the group has traditionally done blankets for the Menomonee Falls Fire Department. This year’s project is still in the works but would love as many members to join us as possible! Details to come out in the October and November newsletter.
~ Shannon Dederich
Mark Your Calendars! It’s Almost Leaf Raking Time!
Yes, we’re back for more! But…this year we’re going to throw Mother Nature our own curve.
The 2020 leaf-raking will take place over a couple weeks starting Saturday, November 7th and running through Sunday, November 22nd.
Unlike past years, we will not have a centralized sign-up on a single date; the volunteer organizations will coordinate raking their assigned residences when it makes sense during the two-week period.
This approach limits our reliance on good weather for a single date, while also adhering to COVID-19 guidelines to restrict large gatherings. Please note, though, that if there are any safety or health issues related to the event, we will take appropriate steps, including cancellation, if necessary.
So, we won’t need volunteers at the Community Center to help coordinate sign-in.
But, we do need volunteers to help with leaf hauling from the yards (usually about 10 residences) where we cannot rake the leaves to the curb. The twist is that instead of being available on only one day, we’re going to ask you to be flexible and coordinate with the youth organizations as needed to help. We intend to provide the organizations with the names of potential volunteers; the youth organization leaders will reach out to determine truck/trailer availability.
If you have access to a pickup truck or trailer, please consider helping out! If you are able to help, or if you have questions, please contact Jason Husslein (414-852-9634, or John Yusko (414-339-2637,
~ Thanks for helping! John Yusko
— Past Events —
Wheeling & Heeling
The Wheeling and Heeling event on August 8th was a huge success. Our Optimist Club team was 25 members strong after some last-minute sign ups. About half walked and half rode bikes. We met at the popcorn wagon for a team photo before heading out. The weather was perfect!
Some bikers took a leisurely ride through Rotary Park while others rode to Menomonee Park and back. The walkers enjoyed walking through the neighborhood. Thanks to Jerry Mislang for letting us use his front porch as a rest station. Cold water and snacks were available.
Afterwards, everyone met at DJ’s Goalpost’s patio for drinks and door prizes. A great time was had by all.
Our team collected $1,445 for the Cancer Care Center at Froedtert Menomonee Falls. Thanks to all for their generosity!
Special thanks to Jeanine Dederich and Meg Latus for their help with the door prizes and suggestions.
Please mark your calendars for August 14, 2021 for next year’s Wheeling and Heeling fundraiser
~ Ann Freudenthal
Board Meeting Minutes from August 17, 2020
Todd Paulus, Rick Kohl, Ann Freudenthal, Marcia Hebbring, Greg Mattson, Carol Schulteis, Jeanine Dederich, Lenny Kimmel, Steve Fleming, and Shannon Dederich
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 AM by President Todd Paulus. The approval of the agenda was motioned by Ann, seconded by Jeanine and approved by all.
A motion was made by Greg, seconded by Joanne and approved by all to accept the minutes.
A motion was made by Steve, seconded by Ann and approved by all to accept the treasurer’s report.
The Waukesha County Dental Clinic requested a basket for their Laugh for a Smile fundraising event on November 5th. A motion was made by Greg, seconded by Steve and approved by all to make a basket as a donation to this event.
The Art for the Falls donation request was tabled until next month.
John Yusko presented the budget for the Leaf Raking for seniors. A motion was made by Marcia, seconded by Joanne and approved by all to approve his budget.
Dawn Mariscal presented the budget for the Drop and Shop event on December 5th. A motion was made by Joanne, seconded by Jeanine and approved by all to accept the budget.
Shannon reported that the Special Project for the Resource Center has been postponed until next spring. Also, Shannon said that the OA5 members are planning to make fleece blankets again this year. They will be donated to the Resource Center at Ben Franklin. September 26 will be the Badgers & Bags tournament at the KC Clubhouse.
Todd talked about the membership of a club member, who has been in the news for possible inappropriate contact with middle school students. The club member was invited to come state their case and defense for the allegations that have been made. The club member did not show up at the meeting. Due to the club’s focus and motto pertaining to kids, the board felt action needed to be taken to protect our club. A motion was made by Greg, seconded by Shannon and approved by all to immediately suspend their membership until the allegations are cleared. Todd will contact that club member after the meeting to give them a choice of resigning from the club till the issue is handled or move forward with suspension of membership as approved by the board.
There is no new information on the Park Project.
The newsletter articles are due by Wednesday, August 26th.
Tuesday September 15
Rick Kohl said the Installation Banquet will be at the Hot House at 5:30 on September 30th. More information will be coming out soon.
A motion was made by Rick, seconded by Carol and approved by all to adjourn the meeting at 7:50 AM.
~ Ann Freudenthal
— Optimist Meetings—
Menomonee Falls Murals
Our August 5, 2020 Club meeting was in the form of a field trip to Downtown Menomonee Falls. We met in the Plaza at the corner of Appleton Avenue and Main Street. Felicia Reichard, BID Director, gave us an update on murals that are complete, currently in progress, and those still coming to beautify our downtown. (Photos by Don Gorzek)
Felicia Reichard, of the Menomonee Falls Downtown (left) Nova Czarnecki , one of the ten artist who created murals on build walls in the downtown area. (right)
Old Falls Village
Diane Harley, President of the Historical Society, and Richard Burgess, Vice President, join us to discuss the activities coming up at Old Falls Village. They spoke at our August 19, 2020 meeting.
Don Gorzek, using a dedicated Nikon Infrared Digital Camera, captured the image of the Menomonee Falls Train Depot located at Old Falls Village.
— September Thank Yous (excerpts) —
FALLS AREA FOOD PANTRY (Barb Riehle, Assistant Director)
“Thank you for your donation of $130…we greatly appreciate your support.”
~ Submitted by Jerry Mislang
— This Month in Club History —
September 11, 2000 – (20 years ago) – The 4th Annual Packer Raffle has a new twist…a Caribbean Cruise tied in with the Packer game at Tampa. Roy Wildt wins the prize and promises to join the club.
~ Submitted by Jerry Mislang from the 40 Year History Program, courtesy of Ed Schlumpf
— How to Publish Optimist News –-
There are multiple venues for publishing Optimist news and events the community and to the Optimist members. It is important to get the word out so everyone is aware of the events we sponsor to benefit the youth of the community. Committee chairs are responsible for writing the articles and sending them via email to the people listed below:
NEWSLETTER Jerry Mislang or Barb Schmit no later than the 27th of each month – or
NEWSPAPERS Shannon Dederich three or more weeks prior to your event, as quickly as possible after an event
FACEBOOK Cathy Sharkey, Dawn Mariscal or Lynette Shepherd –,,
WEBSITE Beth Saunders –