September 2015 | Volume 42, No. 12
From the President…
I really love this time of year. The air seems to be really crisp and clear, the leaves will start to turn color soon and it’s FOOTBALL SEASON. What’s not to like?
The goal for this month is increase the support for school extracurricular activities this school year. Whether it’s sports, band, etc., all of these groups put many extra hours into these activities and the kids really love it when there’s a crowd, not just mom and dad and a sibling that was forced to go.
Please check the school websites and see if there is something that interests you. Don’t forget to check out the parochial schools too, most of them usually have events throughout the year. They are usually very inexpensive and it’s even better if you take friend, neighbor or grandchild with you, I promise they will appreciate it.
That’s it for September. Get out this Fall and enjoy Mother Nature and her finest.
Jerry Mislang
Executive Board…..
The Executive Board meets on the third Tuesday of the month and please remember that Board meetings are open to all club members.
We had three requests for funds and all were approved. We approved a request from Boy Scout Troop 109 for $500 to help offset the cost of a new trailer. The Menomonee Falls Dolphinettes asked for $1,500 for dry land fitness training equipment and that was also approved. Teen Court needed $250 because some of their funding has been cut and that also passed. All told, we donated $2,250 at this meeting.
We needed to fill Lynette Shepherd’s on the Board and Tom Dewerth was nominated and elected for a one year term. We agreed to put a cap of roughly $500 on the cost of night meetings.
We also talked about possibly having a corn roast booth at Falls Fest next year and I said I would talk to Jeff Steliga and report back at the next meeting.
The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, September 15th and we agreed that the newly elected Board members should be invited to that meeting.
Jerry Mislang
Installation Banquet….
The Installation Banquet/Night Meeting will be on Wednesday, September 30 at the Main Mill. The buffet cost is $30 per person and we’ll be honoring individual efforts from the past year and installing our new officers. If you can’t make a meeting to signup, please call Ted Klumb at 262-389-0905 or Jerry Mislang at 262-352-2571. For those that did sign up, please bring a check or cash tomorrow, we need to have a final paid count by September 25th at the latest.
Upcoming Events….
9/16 – Students of the Month and Badger State Girls Representative
9/23 – Ham Radio Operator
9/30 – No Meeting (Installation Banquet at Main Mill)
9/23 Wednesday – Tri-star Soccer (Jerry Mislang)
9/30 Wednesday – Installation Banquet at the Main Mill, no regular meeting
10/8 Friday & 10/9 Saturday – SWIS 1st Quarter Conference: October 9-10, Marriot Hotel, Madison, WI.
10/18 Wednesday – Executive Board meeting
Welcome New Members….
Wendysue Fluegge sponsored by Jerry Mislang
Kathie Jensen sponsored by Joanne Wanner
Kathy Kiepert sponsored by Lynette Shepherd
Terry Wagner sponsored by Cathy Sharkey
Welcome back……
Joan Erickson
Scott Stein
Linda Tetting
Tri-Star Soccer……
Our first annual Tri-Star Soccer contest is scheduled for Wednesday, September 23, from 6:00 to 7:30 at the Menomonee Falls High School Soccer Stadium (MFHS gym if inclement weather).
This free contest is open to all boys and girls U6 thru U12. Anyone 12 and under is invited and you don’t have to be a select soccer player to participate. Registration is at the soccer field the night of the event. Please pass this on to anyone you think might be interested.
Trophies will be awarded to first place winners in all 8 divisions. The kids can test their dribbling, throwing and kicking skills in a fun and safe environment.
We still need more volunteers for registration, scoring and shagging balls. If you’re interested, please contact me at 262-352-2571.
Jerry Mislang
Holiday Drop and Shop……
The 5th Annual Holiday Drop and Shop will be held on Saturday, December 5th and takes place at the Community Center. This is a FREE community event for families with children between the ages of 3 and 10. We provide activities such as crafting a gift, story time with Mrs. Claus, movies, Young Rembrandts Drawing Program, obstacle challenge, pictures with Santa, and lunch for 120-150 children. This event has been successful because of the wonderful Optimist volunteers who take time out of their busy schedules to help with planning of activities, coming up with creative and new ideas, and volunteering on the day of the event. If you feel you this is an event you would like to be a part of please contact Dawn Mariscal by either email at or by phone at (262)442-4952 to express your area of interest.
September Birthdays….
September | |
1-Sep | Tony Bawiec |
2-Sep | Dave Petroff |
2-Sep | Todd Novotny |
3-Sep | Bob Wenzel |
4-Sep | Linda Pitroff |
10-Sep | Brad Bence |
12-Sep | Gail Schneider |
15-Sep | John Yusko |
18-Sep | Tom Walkner |
20-Sep | Tim Newman |
20-Sep | Kathy Barranco |
22-Sep | Lynette Shepherd |
26-Sep | Sandy Smalley |
Club Photos……
The Menomonee Falls Optimist Club picnic was held at Rotary Park on August 12, 2015. About one hundred Optimists and their guests attended the event. Marcia Hebbring and Charlie Keller were the main cooks for the picnic, preparing charbroiled hamburgers and bratwurst. Some member brought side dishes of salads and desserts to fill out the evening meal. Ed Schlumpf presented awards for the afternoon golfing adventure. Ed used the “Peoria Handicap Method” to determine winners for this year’s outing. Bill Hathaway and Jerry Mislang will look after the traveling trophies. Linda Marcou, Robin Turtenwald, and Linda Podolske were all smiles as they enjoyed a perfect day for our annual picnic.
Photos by Don Gorzek
Part of the Menomonee Falls High School “State Championship” baseball team were recognized at the August 19, 2015 Club meeting.
Photo by Don Gorzek
Menomonee Falls High School’s new Head Football Coach, Dan Lutz, told Optimist Club members what to expect during the 2015 Season.
Photo by Don Gorzek
Superintendent of Schools and Optimist Club Member, Dr. Pat Greco presented the State of the Menomonee Falls Schools, at our August 26, 2015 meeting. Greco outlined a very positive outlook for the district’s students, teachers, and the community. Photo by Don Gorzek
Saturday night, September 5, 2015, marked the end of the Popcorn Wagon selling season. This night also was the last time the Popcorn Wagon will be located at the nutrition center parking lot. The Optimist Club Wagon had been located there for the past twenty years. A new home for our popcorn sales has not been found. Should any Club members have contacts for a new home please advise any of the Club officers or Larry Podolske. To help celebrate the end of an era, JJ’s crew provided bratwurst and liquid refreshments, in addition to buttered popcorn. Raffle tickets were also sold for drawings of bottled goods. Photo by Don Gorzek
Dawn Hinton, Program Coordinator, for “Interfaith Senior Programs” spoke to Optimist Club members during to September 9, 2015 meeting. “Interfaith Senior Programs” is a nonprofit organization serving seniors and adults with disabilities in Waukesha County. They depend on caring volunteers, donations and community partnerships to fulfill their mission. Photo by Don Gorzek
The Menomonee Falls Athletic Field was the site for the “Annual Punt, Pass, & Kick” contest sponsored by The Optimist Club of Menomonee Falls. The competition took place on Friday, September 11th, 2015, between 4 pm to 6:15 pm. The program hosted 5 age divisions (6-7, 8-9, 10-11, 12-13, and 14-15 based on the participant’s age as of December 31, 2015). Boys and girls competed separately divisions. About eight Optimist Club members worked the competition, under the direction of Greg Mattson, event coordinator.
Photos by Don Gorzek
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