May 2015 | Volume 42, No. 8
From the President…
I hope everyone is having a great Spring. We all look forward to the main course called summer but May sets the table. The yard work and planning we do in May pays off all summer long.
April was a busy month for us and May promises the same with Fishing Derby, Scholarship Golf Outing, MFHS Scholarship Night, Adopt-a-Highway and Post Prom among others. Our club makes busy beavers look like slugs!
The goal for May is a simple one and involves every one of you. We’re looking for suggestions and it doesn’t get any easier than that!
The Executive Board is looking for new ideas for fundraisers. If you’ve seen or heard of a fundraiser that you think might work for our club, please email me at I promise that every suggestion will get discussed by the Board. Big or small, we’ll discuss them all!
So please take a few minutes and make a suggestion…or two. I would love nothing better than go to the Board with over 200 ideas! Thanks in advance for your time and I can’t wait to see what you come up with. Have a great rest of the month everyone!
Jerry Mislang
Executive Board Meeting – April 21…
The Board met as usual on the third Tuesday of the month and they were ready to go! Please remember that Board meetings are open to all members.
We approved $2,000 to help complete the Universally Accessible Playground Project (Angie Nelson) at Valley View.
We gave $350 to the JR Chargers Youth Baseball program (John Barnes).
Cops and Kids program President (Bob Kraemer) asked for and received $750.
We okayed five Dog Decoys (Deb Mattson) at Ben Franklin for $229.
We gave $300 to help fund a youth mission trip for Emmanuel Community Unlisted Methodist Church (Lynette Neal).
$150 was approved to send hearing impaired student (George Breaden – Past State Governor) to the state contest.
We approved $200 for travel and overnight expenses in Madison for MFHS and District Oratorical winner Bhatki Anbarasan.
The grand total for April was $4,179!
Budgets were approved for Tri-Star Baseball and Post Prom. We agreed to purchase a banner to be used for the registration table at Optimist events for $85.00. We discussed and tabled purchasing a “feather” flag for use at the popcorn wagon and Optimist events. We approved new members Brad Bence (Robin Price), Tracey and Michael Wilson (Lynette Shepherd) and Kimberly Wenzel (Kay Weber).
Another great meeting! Thank you Executive Board for your time and talent.
Jerry Mislang
Scholarship Golf Outing
The 25th annual Scholarship Golf outing is right around the corner. The event will be held on May 20th at Ironwood Golf course in Sussex, WI. Final planning is currently underway. We are still looking for items to be used in both our voice and silent auction, as well as door prizes. Just as important as these items is a need for golfers. As of the writing of this article, we have 16 foursomes for the 18-hole event and 2 foursomes for our 9-hole event. In order to make the outing successful, we need numbers in the golfers that play and support the outing. If you are forming a group but do not have all in place, please let Todd know so we can plan accordingly. We can always fill in the final name or two at a later date. If you have any items for our outing but cannot make a morning meeting, please contact Todd Paulus to make arrangements to have the item picked up. Everyone is asked to start praying to the weather Gods that we are given a day like this past weekend. We hope to see you there. It will be a fun event.
Todd Paulus
OI Junior Golf Outing…
The Optimist International Golf Qualifier will be held on Monday June 22 at Brown Deer Golf Course. We are hoping a change in venue will boost our participation numbers, as the Junior PGA tournament will be held the following 2 days, and one of the courses they are playing is Brown Deer. We will need help that day from our members at registration, marshalling on the course, and scoring with the youngest groups. You do not need to know the rules to be a Marshall. The golf pro will be available that day for any rulings to be made. Please look for a signup sheet in early June.
Students of the Month…
Menomonee Falls Optimist Club Student of the Month, April 2015, include (L-R) Seniors Nicholas Wagner and William at Menomonee Falls High School, with Jerry Mislang, Optimist Club President. Photo by Don Gorzek
Menomonee Falls Optimist Club Student of the Month, for April 2015, from North Middle School, is eighth- grader, Dylan Braun. Photo by Don Gorzek
Essay Contest Winners…
The awards for the Menomonee Falls Optimist Clubs 2015 Annual Essay Contest were presented on April 29, 2015. The theme for this year was “Optimism Should Be a Priority.” Pictured (L-R) are Jerry Mislang, Optimist Club President; Maryellen Pawley, third place; Ritika Punathil, first place; McKenzie Wolfe, second place; and Dawn Mariscal, event chairperson. Photo by Don Gorzek
District Oratorical Contest…
Congratulations to Bhakti Anbarasan (center) for winning 1st place in the SWIS District Oratorical Contest held May 2nd in Madison!! Bhakti was awarded a $2500 scholarship. Laron Higgins, Jr. (Left) from the Milwaukee Metro Club place 3rd and won a $1000. Bhakti is a sophomore at Menomonee Falls High School.
Save the Date…
By far the biggest event the Optimist Club runs every year is the July 3rd parade. And as you might guess, we need many, many volunteers to make this parade happen. So mark your calendar for July 3.
Please let me know your preference of where you would like to volunteer. We need parade marshals, Bucket Brigade, selling popcorn and cotton candy on foot, parade line up, etc. We will also need people to help make the cotton candy the night of July 2 and the morning of July 3.
With the club at over 200 members, we should be able to fill all these spots easily. A nice reward for all volunteers is the party after the fireworks.
Please contact me at and let me know you can help out.
Thanks so much!
May Speakers…
May 6th…MFHS Track Team
May 13th…Randy Newman reflecting on his 10 years as Village Board President
May 20th…Scholarship Golf Outing NO MORNING MEETING!
May 27th…Last Students of the Month for this school year
Optimist Day at Miller Park…
Join Optimists from the SWIS District for Optimist Day at Miller Park on Saturday, August 15th. Your ticket includes tailgate, game ticket and Goo Goo Dolls Concert after the game. See the attached flyer for details.
Every 15 Minutes…
The “Every 15 Minutes” accident simulation took place at the Menomonee Falls High School stadium on April 23, 2015. The event was funded in part by the MF Optimist club. Photos by Don Gorzek
‘Unique in its design and powerful in its impact, “Every 15 Minutes” is an educational experience that reminds us all of the dangers associated with driving while impaired and texting. The crash is staged, the emotions are real!’
‘The Every 15 Minutes program is conducted for teenagers and families around the world. This event serves as a central hub for the exchange of information concerning this program.’
Otto Optimist…
Ever wondered why no one retires to the Northeast?