July 2018 Optimizer
The Optimizer
July 2018
Menomonee Falls Optimist Club
In this issue
- July Meeting Schedule
- President’s Thoughts
- Up-coming Activities and Events
- Calendar
- Popcorn Wagon
- Football Crazr Raffle
- Optimist Club Picnic
- Executive Board
- Board Briefings
- Past Events
- OI Junior Golf Qualifier
- Optimist Meeting Photos
- This Month in Club History
- How to Publish Optimist News
—- July Meeting schedule —-
All meetings are at 7:15 am at the Community Center except as noted.
- July 4 No meeting. See you at the Independence Day Parade on July 3.
- July 11 SITE VISIT at Holy Cross Lutheran Church on Pilgrim Road and Robin Hood Drive to view their World Nativity Collection! Excerpts from their brochure include “…over a span of 35 years…the number grew to over 500.” And “… from more than 65 countries they range from traditional to whimsical, from fabric, carved wood, stained glass and crystal, to recycled soda cans, newsprint, seed pods banana back and chocolate.” You’re welcome to arrive early to view the collection. After their talk, we’re sure you’re going to want to find many of the items discussed. Great meeting to bring a guest…or two!
- July 18 One of the programs we support is the Patio Players Summer Camp. We’re happy to welcome them back again this year and give us a report on how it went.
- July 25 Our Club annually donates money to the Safety Town program. Club member and program Jason Husslein will fill us in on this worthwhile summer Rec program. And better late than never, the Greater Metro Conference and WIAA State Semifinalist MFHS Fastpitch Team will be our guests and receive a team plaque with their accomplishments.
—- President’s Thoughts —-
Happy 4th of July fellow Optimists!! Hope you all have a blessed holiday with your loved ones and hope to see you at the parade!!
We had a great month in June which included our BUSINESS meeting, a full agenda dedicated to the business of our club with a quick recognition to the staff of CE & Rec for all they do for us!! We covered board meeting info, financials, OA5, the future of night meetings, donations, membership and volunteerism!! It was a nice change and nice to get feedback from the members that were in attendance!!
Speaking of attendance, summer is busy and yes, we don’t have our wonderful school kids to recognize at the meetings, but we still want to see YOU!!! Our speakers committee works hard to bring us great site visits and speakers to keep us engaged in our community and all it has to offer!! I believe showing up for meetings not only enhances OUR club experience but it shows appreciation and respect for our speakers (and our speakers committee) for their efforts. If they can take the time to be there for us, I feel we need to be there for them!! I hope you feel the same way!!
Happy fourth and see you at the parade!!!
Your OPTIMISTIC President,
—- Upcoming Activities and Events—-
See articles below for details and volunteer opportunities.
- All summer: Popcorn Wagon
- Now until early August: Football Crazr Raffle
- Wednesday August 1: Club Picnic – Mark your calendar for a fun time.
Popcorn Wagon
The ever-popular popcorn wagon is open every evening from 6:30 to 9:00, located in the Piggly Wiggly parking lot. Stop in for some tasty popcorn. Tell your friends. It’s a great fund-raiser for the club. Thank you to the team captains, all of the members who pop, and Larry Podolske for his continuous attention to keep it running and stocked with all of the supplies.
Football Crazr Raffle
Club members, it is time to help with one of the easiest fund raisers of the year. This is the Football Crazr Raffle sponsored by the Swis District. We have 1000 tickets for our club to sell and we will make approximately $15,000 for the youth in our area.
The $20.00 ticket follows the 17 weeks of the NFL football season and each ticket holder has a chance to win as much as $500.00 each week. Last year we had over 30 winners totaling over $3500.00 for club sold tickets. It is a great way to follow the season and all you have to do is buy/sell a $20.00 ticket.
We’re hoping each club member takes tickets and sells them to family, friends, relatives, neighbors, associates and anyone they pass on the street. Really, it is an easy sell, but we need our members to help. We have until the first week in August to sell them, but would like to get going now and finish this as soon as possible.
You can get your tickets and all specifics at any of our meeting, from a Ticket Captain or by contacting; Larry Hebbring; ljhebbring@gmail.com or Jan Barbera; jbarbera@wi.rr.com.
Optimist Club Picnic
Our Optimist Club Picnic is slated for Wednesday August 1st at Shepherds Waters (same place as last year) Dan and Lynette Shepherd have graciously opened up their beautiful piece of land for our gathering. Festivities will begin at 4:00pm. You need to bring nothing except your smiling faces along with your other half and any interested or potential newbies. It is our time to celebrate all that we’ve done during the year.
We will have lots of food and beverages for all. This is an absolutely beautiful place for all to enjoy. Directions and sign up will come later as we get closer to the event. Please just mark your calendars. If you have any questions, suggestions, or whatever, please feel free to contact me at mrchebbring@aol.com. Also this is an adult only event due to us serving alcohol….
Have a safe and wonderful summer
Marcia Hebbring
—– Executive Board —–
Board Briefings – June 19, 2018
President Lynette Shepherd led the Board meeting on Tuesday, June 19, 2018. Meeting synopsis is as follows:
No donation requests.
Larry Podolske provided Treasurer report. Positive cash flow in recent months. Have not spent as much as of late.
Committee Reports and Budgets:
- Marcia Hebbring was present to request funds for club picnic supplies. The picnic will be August 1 st , and the anticipated number of attendees is approximately 75. Marcia is requesting $500. Budget will be forwarded to board at later date. $500 budget approved.
- Jeanine Dederich – Installation Budget – Installation banquet will be on September 26 th at Knights of Columbus. $150 has already been paid for hall. Expected number of attendees is approximately 50 and it will cost each attend $25, of which $15 is for the meal. $500 budget requested. Budget will be forwarded to board at later date. $500 budget approved.
Unfinished Business – Informational Items:
- PPC representative – Tim Newman spoke about this. He explained that it has been decided that club will now allow past presidents serve as presidents again. However, there will be guidelines, such as cannot serve back-to-back terms and approximately five year waiting period. Tim and board discussed how bylaws need to be revised to include this information. Also, discussed publishing bylaws on website.
- Future of Night Meetings – Tim, other guests, and board discussed this topic. Discussed night meetings going back to quarterly meetings. This will be discussed with speakers committee and then brought back to board for a vote
New Business:
- Popcorn Wagon Chairs – There has been a request from a club member to replace chairs currently at wagon. This will be looked into further, as will the possibility of chairs being donated to the club/wagon
- Popcorn Wagon – Larry Podolske discussed maintenance that is needed/has been recently completed for wagon, such as electrical issues, the popper maintenance, and the wheels. There was also discussion regarding a wagon that is currently for sale. T. Newman will work on getting quote for cost of maintenance, such as wheel repair/replacement. This quote will then be compared to the cost for a different wagon. There was also discussion on looking for a permanent location for the wagon. Finally, Don Gorzek discussed the possibility of a temporary electrical meter being installed by the electrical company for the wagon. Don will research the pole number by the wagon and explore this further to report back
The Board meets the third Tuesday of every month at 7:00 a.m. Members include:
- President Lynette Shepherd
- 1st Vice President Jeanine Dederich
- 2nd Vice President Dustin Koehler
- Treasurer Larry Podolske
- Past President Don Gorzek
- Past Presidents Council Dan Schwind
- Board Members: Sue Carney, Dave Curran, Tom Dueppen, Kathryn Hoff, Chris O’Reilly, Barb Schmit
Dustin Koehler
—- Past Events —-
OI Junior Golf Qualifier
The SWIS District Optimist International Junior Golf qualifier was held on June 15, 2018 at Brown Deer Golf Course in Milwaukee, WI. Although rain and lightning greeted the golfers as they arrived, we were only delayed 30 minutes due to weather. By the time the first group teed off, the rain had stopped. We had 31 golfers total, 28 from the SWIS district and 3 out of district players, including one that flew in from Boston, MA that morning to play. OI gave us 14 qualifying spots, 2 for each age group. We actually qualified 15 kids from our event as 2 were out of district qualifiers. Out of district qualifiers do not use one of the spots given to us by OI. The only age group we did not use both spots was the youngest boys division as we had only 1 player compete.
To move on, a golfer must shoot the qualifying score or better given to us by OI and have a spot available. The low score for the day was 74 by the Boys 16-18 year old winner Lukas Heckmann. The low score for girls was in the Girls 15-18 year old division by Jordan Hamlesky with a 78. Jordan is the person that flew in from Boston, as she missed their local qualifier. Thanks go out to Golf Pro Andy Barrett and his staff at Brown Deer Golf course for hosting our event. Thanks also go out to our wonderful volunteers that helped myself and co-chair Tom Carls pull off this event. Those volunteers are Marcia Hebbring, Laura Ciletti, Jerry Mislang and his two grandsons, Bob Wenzel, Del Kreuser, and Larry Podolske.
Due to a morning cancellation in the youngest girls group, we were able to group the 3 remaining golfers together and have 1 scorer walk with them. This meant Larry did not have to score, so he could return home and rest up to wear his second hat in the club, Kernel of the Popcorn wagon, as he had to step in to man the wagon that night. With the delay in start time, it would have been tight for him to do both jobs. Although the numbers are not where we would like them in terms of kids, seeing them play, the fun they are having, the sweet swings most have, and the politeness and manners of these kids, is the reason we do this. Who knows, maybe someday we could see one of them on a pro tour.
Todd Paulus
Optimist Club Meeting Photos
Photos by Don Gorzek
At our June 6, 2018 meeting held at the Library, Cathy Hazzard introduced some of the winners of the 2018 Scholarships. Each of the the students read their essay about Optimism that was part of scholarship application.
Diane Garipey received a gift plant from the Optimist Club for her years of service to the students of the Quest program in the Menomonee Falls Schools District. Garipey has retired at the end of this past school year.
Jerry Mislang presented MFPD Chief Anna Ruzinski a plaque of appreciation from our Club for Outstanding and Dedicated Service by the Field Evidence Technicians to our Village.
Officers Eric Hansen and Kyle Bucher tell Club members about the many duties of the Field Evidence Technicians during our June 20, 2018 meeting.
Officer Eric Hansen, a Field Evidence Technician, instructs Club member Ann Freudenthal on proper technique when dusting objects for finger prints.
Pat Hansen, MFHS Baseball Team Head Coach, tells members about the season at our June 27, 2018 meeting. Hansen was aided be his co-captains Ryan Spalding and Tommy Howard, both now graduates of MFHS and ready for their service in the Marines and Army.
—- This Month in Club History —
July 30, 1975 (43 years ago) – In an attempt to raise money for a bike trail, the Optimists sponsor a jingle contest (raffle) and give away four new bicycles. The trail is spearheaded by Pete Mulock who is named 1975 “Friend of Youth” by the Club. $1,800 is raised.
Submitted by Jerry Mislang from the 40 Year History Program – courtesy of Ed Schlumpf
Thank You Notes
Excerpts from thank you notes for Tristar Baseball
From Laurie Sorge – “Thanks again SO much for organizing these events and keeping these traditions going! Like I mentioned, my son LOVES these events, and we really appreciate all your hard work!”
From Dan Soley – “My wife and I appreciate how thoughtful you were tonight even with the poor turnout.” —
– How to Publish Optimist News –—-
There are multiple venues for publishing Optimist news and events the community and to the Optimist members. It is important to get the word out so everyone is aware of the events we sponsor to benefit the youth of the community. Committee chairs are responsible for writing the articles and sending them via email to the people listed below:
- NEWSLETTER Jerry Mislang no later than the 25th of each month – jerry.mislang@prodigy.net
- NEWSPAPERS Kim Wenzel three or more weeks prior to your event, as quickly as possible after an event – kfwenzel87@gmail.com
- FACEBOOK Cathy Sharkey, Dawn Mariscal or Lynette Shepherd – csharkey224@yahoo.com, dmariscal@wi.rr.com, llshep4ma@gmail.com
- WEBSITE Beth Saunders – bethjsaunders@gmail.com