Optimist International Foundation (OIF) was established in 1971 exclusively for the charitable, literary and educational purposes of Optimist International (OI). The Foundation has grown steadily since 1971 and is recognized as a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) charitable organization.
The Foundations supports OI by providing:
- Scholarships to all Districts for Oratorical, Essay and CCDHH
- Scholarships to Regional Winners for U.S. and International Contestants
- Fundraising from outside organizations for the World Oratorical Championship and JOI
- Childhood Health & Wellness Grant Program

OIF also offers a Club Pass Through Grant Program which allows individuals or organizations to make tax deductible donations to our club. (Donations made directly to our club are not tax deductible.) Details are available at www.oifoundation.org.
An easy way for individual members to support the foundation is through the Dime-A-Day program. With just one dime a day, you can become part of the movement of “Helping Optimists Help Kids” and become part of a large group of Foundation supporters who realize what a difference they make every day in the lives of children. By contributing a gift of $50 in celebration of the Foundation’s 50th Anniversary, you will receive special edition Dime-A-Day Pin.

Jerry Mislang and Cathy Sharkey are the Club OIF representatives. Please feel free to contact them if you have questions about the Foundation.